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Fronius TransTig 2500

250 A at just 24,2 kg (53.35 lb)
•    for use on construction sites and in manufacturing
•    welds low-alloy and high-alloy steels and non-ferrous metals

The TransTig 2500 is a TIG DC power source that produces 250 A


Fronius TransTig 2500

Fronius TransTig 2500 MV

250 A at 25,9 kg (57.10 lb)
•    multivoltage
•    welds low-alloy and high-alloy steels and non-ferrous metals

The TransTig 2500 is a TIG DC power source that produces 250 A


Fronius TransTig 2500 Comfort

220 A at 16,8 kg
•    230 V connection
•    Welds low-a250 A at 24,2 kg (53.35 lb.)• plain-text display• cold wire control and automated useThe TransTig 2500 is a TIG DC power source that produces 250 A lloy and high-alloy steels and non-ferrous metals

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