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Fronius TransPocket 2500
Robust - small and portable • Output up to 250 A • Additional TIG functions (e.g. TIG Comfort Stop) • Multivoltage can be adjusted manually The TransPocket 2500 is a fully digitally controlled manual electrode power source with resonant intelligence.
Fronius TransPocket 3500 MVm
Robust • small and portable • Output up to 350 A • Multivoltage can be adjusted manually The TransPocket 3500 is a fully digitally controlled manual electrode power source with resonant intelligence.
Fronius TransPocket 5000
Output up to 480 A • Performs vertical-down welding of cellulose and basic electrodes • Carbon gouging The TransPocket 5000 Cel manual electrode power source has an output of 480 A. Fully digitised,